Photos by Frank Curran

24岁的玛丽亚·“克里斯蒂”·路易斯收到2023年的马丁·路德·金奖. Scholarship, 她感谢了她在海地的家人,并强调这一荣誉不仅仅属于她, but also for them. “I stand on the shoulders of people back home. I hold them with me and I carry them with me.”

A first-generation college student originally from Port-au-Prince, 路易斯小时候搬到波士顿,现在住在伦瑟姆, Mass. 她的父母、哥哥和最好的朋友们都出席了大学校长威廉·P. Leahy, S.J.她在2月21日举行的第41届年度奖学金宴会上宣布了获奖消息.

该奖学金旨在表彰在学术上表现优异的电子游戏软件大三学生, extracurricular leadership, community service, 以及参与非裔美国人社区和非裔美国人问题. Event organizers said Louis "finds inspiration in Dr. 马丁·路德·金的主张:“自由从来不是压迫者无偿给予的,而是必须从被压迫者那里争取。,,并将这句话描述为她未来生活的催化剂.”

“马丁·路德·金的遗产提醒我,反对不公正的斗争是我的,为了确保黑人的权利,必须采取行动, specifically Black mothers, are provided with the justice and resources that they deserve."
Martin Luther King Jr Scholarship winner Christie Louis

“赢得这个奖项对我和我的家人来说绝对意味着一切,” Louis said in her acceptance speech. “I do not take this award as my own; it's for all my family that is back in Haiti and it serves as a reminder to the incredible responsibility I have to them and to my community to become the change.

“Similarly, 马丁·路德·金的遗产提醒我,反对不公正的斗争是我的,为了确保黑人, specifically Black mothers, are provided with the justice and resources that they deserve,” Louis added.

热衷于种族正义问题,重点关注美国和海地黑人母亲的产妇保健, Louis will work this summer with TeamBirth, a nonprofit dedicated to safe birthing plans for women of color.

在她的演讲中,她提到了美国较高的分娩死亡率.S. for Black mothers compared to their white counterparts, 海地的产妇死亡率仍然是西半球最高的国家.”

路易斯希望通过她的志愿者和专业追求成为变革的推动者. 主修生物学和非洲和非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台双学位,辅修全球公共卫生和共同利益, 她的长期目标是成为一名产科医生,主要为低社会经济社区的BIPOC服务.

 “我打算尽我所能改变这个体系,”路易斯说. “我把我所有的服务工作和我的职业抱负都献给了实现这一愿景.”

Christie Louis and Rossanna Contreras-Godfrey

克里斯蒂·路易斯和《电子游戏正规平台》导演罗珊娜·孔特雷拉斯-戈弗雷在奖学金活动上. 路易斯说孔特雷拉斯-戈弗雷是帮助她塑造本科经历的BC管理人员之一.

Among other extracurricular activities, Louis serves as the Haitian Association events coordinator, AHANA+ caucus coordinator, and Black Women Matter Retreat co-leader. She also volunteers at Rosie’s Place.

“Christie is in a leadership category of her own, said Katie Dalton, director the BC Women's Center, where Louis is a student staff member. “她将自己为社会边缘化群体争取权益的强烈热情结合在一起, especially women and individuals of color, 平易近人,欢迎他人讨论棘手的问题.”

路易斯说,道尔顿是帮助她塑造本科经历的卑诗行政人员之一,她说自己很荣幸能在办公室工作, which aims to create an inclusive space for women on campus. 她还提名了学术咨询中心助理主任海伦·哈, Learning to Learn Director Rossanna Contreras-Godfrey, and Donicka Pamphile of University Counseling Services.

除了她的家人,路易斯还感谢了马丁·路德·金. scholarship finalists—Kaylee Arzu, Srina Lacet, Osasenaga Owens, and Ashley-Rae Stewart—for their support.

当晚,种族与文化电子游戏正规平台所所长亚历克斯·彼得斯发表了主题演讲, 林奇教育与人类发展学院的教员.

Meet the other finalists for the 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship:

Kaylee Arzu, Bronx, NY

Major: International Studies major; minors in marketing and African and African Diaspora Studies

Arzu is a stepper on the F.I.S.T.S team, Black Student Forum treasurer, a trainer for the Bystander Program, and a residential assistant. 她发起了为AHANA社区服务的创意项目和一个电子游戏正规平台项目, met with photographer Matthieu-Armara Diamondé. Arzu is inspired by Dr. 马丁·路德·金强调“艺术在民权运动中的作用”, uplift, and motivate himself and other world-changers around him.毕业后,她希望继续在黑人创意人员中培养社区,并“提升博士的地位”. King’s ideals and pave the way for the authentic, Black experience to be seen and acknowledged through my lens.”

Srina Lacet, Frederick, Md.
Majors: political science, African and African Diaspora Studies; minor in film; Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program member

An AHANA+ leadership council member, Lacet also is a F.I.S.T.S队的联合队长和队长,海地协会AHANA+核心小组代表. She works at the AADS office and Women’s Center, and served as co-leader for the Black Women Matter Retreat. She is inspired by Dr. King’s use of storytelling and his notion of Beloved Community. 莱塞特希望毕业后能同时学习法律和电影, 她将继续她对社会正义和政治的热情. 

Osasenaga Owens, Randolph, Mass.
Major: Business Management; Accounting for Financing and Consulting concentration

African Students Organization vice president, 欧文斯是不列颠哥伦比亚省男子俱乐部足球队的成员,并在他的母校志愿担任助理校队足球教练, Boston College High School. With a passion for creating greater educational equity, he is inspired by Dr King in pursuit of this aspiration. 毕业后,他希望在德勤服务有限公司(Deloitte Services LP)工作,他曾在那里做过暑期实习. In his career, 欧文斯希望“通过我公司的社区参与,消除黑人和白人学生之间的知识差距。.” 

Ashley-Rae Stewart, Hollis, NY
Major: Sociology; minor in finance

Stewart has served as a resident assistant, 明日管理领导力职业预备校园大使, a BAIC ambassador, Caribbean Culture Club secretary, and a Pine Manor Institute for Student Success coach.  She wrote a children’s book on bullying, The Friend I Never Wanted, given to schools and churches. 她帮助启动了卡罗尔管理学院的多元化商业教育系列,并参加了社区倡导和电子游戏正规平台参与研讨会. 对银行业感兴趣,但对有色人种女性的代表性不足感到沮丧, she is inspired by Dr. 金鼓励其他人成为共识的塑造者,而不是寻求者. Stewart will pursue a banking career after graduation, and hopes to inspire and mentor other people of color.

Rosanne Pellegrini | University Communications | March 2023